Opinions on water changes


Hi everyone,
I hoped to gather some experienced reefkeeper's opinions on water changes. I first want to say that I have read numerous posts on this forum that dealt with salt brands. It seems like everyone has different opinions on this, but what I have learned is how important it is to test prepared saltwater at least the first time you mix with a new bag or bucket. I personally check it every time and do 1 5 gal change a week--I figure one extra test a week for alk, calcium, and PH is a small price to pay for piece of mind. Does this seem like overdoing it?
I think most people think that if these numbers are somewhat where they want them to be, they feel it's O.K to use the water because they test and adjust for these parameters in the display, but something has stuck with me when I was beginning my saltwater hobby. I read in Mike Paletta's New Marine Aquarium
that "a water change is only beneficial if the water your putting into your tank is of better quality than the water it's replacing." In all of your opinions is this referring to trace elements more than the big 3??
I appreciate everyone's opinions--right now I use Oceanic, I've had stable results with PH being 8.2, salinity at 1.024 - 79 degrees. Usually my calcium is around 500 ppm, and alkalinity is about 7.0 dKH. I use C-balance to get my readings as close to the display as possible, and I'm really curious if this is really necessary. :thinking: :thinking:
Thanks alot.


Active Member
Well what "I" feel he means is that the makeup water not have any Ammonia, Nitrates or Phosphates in it. Most salt mixes have the proper trace elements and get pretty close to proper levels of Ca, Alk, pH (although I don't care for Oceanic and its super low alk and super high Ca). The biggest thing IMO, is to test your RO/DI water for impurities and be sure your salt water doesn't have Ammonia, Nitrate and phosphate when it is mixed up.
I also perfer to only change the tank chemistry, I don't ever add buffers to my makeup water only to the display tank.