Opinions Please


I have a chance to purchase a 120 gallon setup from someone who advertised in the paper...want people to comment if they think it is a good deal. She wants $600 for it. There are 4 powerheads, no liverock, crushed coral for the bottom and undergravel filter. She only has two fish left (sold the rest), both damsels..I am not interested in the fish, just the setup. It comes w/ the stand, a canister filter, the powerheads, light/hood, and the decorations..which are "corals", not those you would find in a reef aqarium..more the hard decoration kind...(sorry, that is my poor explanation). The tank is currently still running...is it a good deal? Should I keep the water? Should I keep the substrate...i would want to do sand..but maybe put the crushed stuff in a sump for the bacteria? Tank looked in good shape, no leaks or scratches...believe it was glass. Like I said, i don't even know if i would set it up right away...obviously i would keep it running if i kept the water....opinions???? Thanks!!!!!


Active Member
Seems kinda high for a 120 gallon used tank. Glass or acrylic? I've been working the papers for weeks looking for a good deal. I just picked up a 180 gallon, drilled and plumbed so that it can sit in the middle of a room and have no wires or plumbing showing, custom dark maple cabinet and hood, wet/dry. Calcium reactor, skimmer, over 2k in just lighting, it's only 2 months old and and I stole it for $1500.


Active Member
I think its a little high too. Throw out CC dont put in sump!!Damsels arent expense and neither is under gravel or new water.Decorations are pointless,so basically you are paying a lot of money for a used tank and stand.We bought a 125, 100 lb lR,skimmer, PC lights,canister filters(2) ,powerheads,UV sterlizer, a clown, anenomes(2), blennyand clean up crew , stand for $600


Originally Posted by BadOleRoss
I think its too high as well. Most of the stuff you dont need or want.
unless for some weird reason the light you mentioned is some amazing metal halide fixture lol
but i bet its just a strip light huh


I figured the tank/stand combo itself was almost worth it...i kinda figured I wouldn't want to use most of her equipment..the hood and powerheads is about it...but that tank/hood/stand combo would be close to a grand brand new wouldn't it? Thanks for the responses!!