Opinions please


New Member
So what are everyones thoughts about a clownfish, a yellow tang and a humu triggerfish, I have a 65 with 40 lb LR, a skimmer 192 watt compact florescent and a fluval 405, is this doable? o ya and i have currently have a cleanup crew with emerald crabs, various hermits and snails.


o ya and i have currently have a cleanup crew with emerald crabs, various hermits and snails.
that will be a problem with a humu humu trigger these will become fish food for it. and possible the clown too. They can turn on anything in the tank as they get bigger even if they have co-habitated for years.
what size is the 65 lenght is the main thing with tangs the longer the better minumum suggested lenght of tank is 4 foot with 5+ being that much better for them. HLLE can set in if they dont have enough room to swim.

keith burn

Active Member
1st 65gal is not going to be good. (no swiming room for tang).6ft min
But if only 3 or 4 small fish ok if you will upgrade soon.
2nd The trigger will eat or at best stress out all fish. not good with reef fish
or in 4ft tanks
3rd The tang is a little week for new tanks (best after 1y setup)
jmo goodluck


New Member
What would be some good smaller fish for this type of setup, or that would go good with a clownfish(percula)?

keith burn

Active Member
I thank it is best to look at the tank this way.
1- open water lovers
Like the Green Chromis like 2 or 3 look good in a school
2- rock lovers
I like the Bicolor Blenny. thay graze on algae and look cool going in and out of the rock.Or Royal Gramma love the rock fun.
3- sand lovers
What do you think about a Yellow Wrasse
with the clown will work and look good.
ps jmo