Opinions Please.....



have narrowed my search, and the winner is an Aqua C Remora hang on skimmer with a 1200 Maxi Jet pump. :confused:

nm reef

Active Member
I've never used one myself but I've heard good things about them....from what I know it should perform well on your system. I've used a CPR bac pac 2r none stop for close to 2 years now....nice little skimmer in my opinion...but I also run a Euroreef CS6-2 on my reef and there is absolutely no comparision.But that really is the difference between a hang on skimmer and a submersable in sump type skimmer.....:cool:


Staff member
I have the Remora Pro and I'm pretty satisfied with it. I know that I could get a more powerful skimmer that would probably rip out every nasty in my tank, but, really, in reef tanks, I find it much better to leave stuff in the tank, rather than take stuff out. If that makes sense.


Active Member
correct me if im wrong, some corals and filterfeeders take up dissolved organics- i use skimmers but- i dont really see the need of a skimmer that can run a tank dry (ie: overskimming)- some skimmers are so good that they will skim a ton and then will stop producing for a while b/c there is just no dom to extract- i understand the need of high efficient skimmers on a reef tank (bc of all the feeding) but would it be considered beneficial to skim untill ther is nothing left? i wouldnt think so- but then again there are many reef tanks that use skimmers that will cycle between pulling a lot and a little and do fine so...