Opinons on upgrade

my way

Active Member
Unless hell freezes over I will be ordering a 180 this week and would like some opinions.
My long term goal is FOWLR.
Live stock Clown Trigger, Niger Trigger, Lunarre Wrasse, Porcupine Puffer, Harlequin Tusk and Snowflake moray
I have a 55 that will be made into an algea scrubber with live sand.
Wet/Dry Filled with rubble area approx. 15x12x12.
Protein skimmer (I don't remember what brand it is but it worked great on my old 150)
Ozone to help control algea.
Subtrate, I have always used a fine black sand in my tanks I love the look of it and like that any thing that falls on it does'nt get trapped into it.
Not sure on lighting yet.
In the old setup I think I would like to try seahorses, but might just take it down although I think it would be perfect for them from what I've read as long as it is tall enough.
So any pro's or cons on what I am planning. Any suggestions would be appreciated as I feel I'm kind of new to this seeing as so much has changed since the last time I was seriously involved in the hobby. Please comment on the FOWLR setup Not the Seahorses. When I'm ready I will ask about them, although I will take suggestions on any sites I could read up on them.


The fish list seems like it will go well together since they are all mostly aggressive. You might want to make sure the skimmer will work on a 180 though. With so many meat eaters, you'll need a good one. Since a clean up crew is out, you could invest in an aquarium vac. Worked great in my fowlr tank.


Active Member
since you don't know exactly what skimmer you have you'll wanna keep an eye on it to make sure that its pulling them maximum out of the water. With aggressives they will make a mess quickly. Check around and find some stary hermits they are huge and can hold there own fairly well in aggressive tanks . I had some and they are tuff suckers.