

I have finnally finished adding my live rock live sand and equipment (except for one MH light). I have a 55 gallon hooked to a 15 gallon refugium, and a 10 gallon quarintene tank. ON my 55 gallon i have one 175watt MH pendant (getting another one in a few months hopefully) and 30 watts of actinic blue flouresence. A small prism skimmer and emperor 300 on it for filteration. I have 3 power heads also. In that tank i have about 90 pounds live rock 120 pounds live sand (about 3 -4 inches deep). IN my refugium i have amphipods, brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, macro algae and about 10 pounds live rock. It has a Marineland eclipse 3 hood over it for more filteration. On my quarinteen tank i have a small desktop light above it and a micro wisper filter with a inch sand bed and about 3 pounds live rock. All tanks cycled. In main tank (55g) i have 40 astreae snails, 25 blue tip hermits, 3 peppermint shrimp, 12 scarlet reef hermits, and 2 serpent stairs
What do u think?
Anything i am missing?
What fish should i add?


You could scrap the sand and LR in the QT tank. They aren't needed and I from what I have read they shouldn't be in there. You could do some PVC pipes instead. Look in the Disease forum for things to do and not do with a QT tank.
Dealing with the fish, what do you want? That is the biggest question. Figure out what fish you want and make sure they are compatible. After you know what fish you want you can decide what order to put them into the tank.