Opportunity to for sump


I have the opportunity to purchase a CPR 150 overflow which takes in 1600 GPH
I have a 75 Gallon which will be a reef soon plan on using a 20 gal sump and a Mag 9
Would the Mag 9 handle it (theres 3ft of from sump to tank)???
and is the 1600 too much for my 75 gallon????
and if the bulkhead is 1.5" would I be able to put that on a mag 9


Active Member
1) would advise against the CPR unless you want to do a lot of mopping.
Suggest Life Reef or aqua clear, Something other then a CPR because they liketo lose siphon and flood.
2) I have a overflow with 2 drains 1" each. They will handle 1400gph give or take together. I am using it for a fuge and I am only running a mag 7 with 5' head pressure. Your overflow will handle anything less then 1600gph. so you should be fine.
A mag 9 has 3/4" inputs and outputs so you would need a reducer but if you are going to have a HOB overflow, why/where is the bulkhead?


Active Member
I've never used the CPR CS150 - so I can't comment on it's actual performance.
On my 75 I do run a Lifereef dual 1", and it's rated at 1400 gph.
I run a Mag9.5 and a mag 7
Estimate around 1300 gph total - when both pumps on.
Your plan of running the Mag9.5 @ 3' head will push up around 850 gph estimated.
You'll be fine.
Matter of fact you could run more than this and still be fine.
Have you considered running two pumps.
One on 24/7
One coming of/off with a timer ?
Kinda gives you a higher flow~lower flow set up.
1600 gph is not too much for the 75 tank imo - but you may not want to run it at this rate all the time. I've never heard a CS150 running full tilt. Could be noisey - could be quiet. Just don't know.
A manifold ( spraybar ) with multiple jets would work nice - then you could possibly reduce or eliminate the number of in-tank powerheads required.