Optimum aggressive tank?


Active Member
What size would you all consider to be the optimum tank for keeping aggressive fish?
I am not talking about sharks or rays but, I have always been fond of Dogface Puffers and Niger Triggers. I also have dreams of someday having a Polleni Harlequin Grouper.
What do you think it would consist of to have a tank for this?


Active Member
Nigers get pretty big. They'll get to 18", and dogface puffers get about 1'. I would say for what your looking at a 180 would be the minimum. The puffer, trigger, and harlequin would be a nice setup.


Active Member
I second the 180. I had to go with a 125 because where I was placing it only allowed for the 18" width. The 24" 180 would certainly give more room to the larger fish. No regrets with the 125, just wished it could have been the 180.
By the way, the price point jumps significantly from 125 to 180.


Active Member
Do you think that I would have trouble with the Puffer messing with the Trigger or Grouper? Vice-Versa?


Active Member
I've never had any problems with the trigger, or puffer bothering eachother. The grouper on the other hand could pose a problem if he gets big enough to eat the trigger. There was a post a while back where someone had their grouper eat a trigger. Probbably a rare occurance.


A grouper will attemp to eat anything he believes he can swallow, and sometimes they are quite optimistic. Most groupers will outgrow their tankmates, then they become lunch. Puffers can also be nippy so make sure they are of similar size. Yes, my grouper ate my 6" picasso trigger.
Grouper swallow trigger pic :D


The niger T is reputed to be somewhat shy, and mine is no exception. It's only 4in long now, and is submissive to it's mate, a HumaHuma. In the right light, however, is one of the most beautiful fish I've seen.
I wouldn't, at the size it is, call it aggressive...Yet. In my opionion, it would mix well with the other less aggressive, aggressive fish.
We'll see...