options on seeding sand bed


New Member
I've put 40lbs of Natures Ocean bio-active live aragonite in my 40 breeder set-up and was wondering , insteaded of seeding with live sand to get the worms and pods etc, is there another way to do this? I thought I've read somewhere there is a fauna package available? is this right or is it called something else? Another question will these pods ,worms and other living things survive the cycle of my new set-up or do you add them after the cycle is complete? thanks!


Do a seach on google for live sand activators. Basicly they are just pods and everything you want, in a bag. If you go to the sites the will have info pages telling what they have. Also like peasly said some good live rock contains pods and will seed your sand once they start reproducing.


I know you can order a "pod kit" on garf.org, though I have no expirence with it. They make it sound pretty nice, but then again I'm a sucker.