My company is moving me once again and I must sell my live stock. i have only had them for 2 months. The tank is brand new.
2 ORA black True perculas $25 each Very healthy very fat 2in.
1 Midas Blenny XL fat 4-5in $25
1 Redheaded Fairy Wrasse $30 4-5in Fat and healthy
2 Skunk Cleaners Large $20 each $35 for both
1 Tigertail Serpent Star $7
1 Conch $3
25 snails .50 each
35 Hermits.50 each
2 Ceriths .50 each
130 lbs Tonga Fussion Fully cured and thousands of amphipoda and copepods
come over at night to seefor your self. No preditiors at all attacking them,
$4.40 lb
2 ORA black True perculas $25 each Very healthy very fat 2in.
1 Midas Blenny XL fat 4-5in $25
1 Redheaded Fairy Wrasse $30 4-5in Fat and healthy
2 Skunk Cleaners Large $20 each $35 for both
1 Tigertail Serpent Star $7
1 Conch $3
25 snails .50 each
35 Hermits.50 each
2 Ceriths .50 each
130 lbs Tonga Fussion Fully cured and thousands of amphipoda and copepods
come over at night to seefor your self. No preditiors at all attacking them,
$4.40 lb