ORA Pulsing Xenia for sale Cheep! Indy


I have some more ORA Elongated Pulsing Xenia. I have 4 more frags about 2"-3". I am asking $10. Normally frags this size go for $25 at the LFS. I am running out of room and need to get rid of these. I can meet somewhere close. I can give price breaks for more than one frag. I have a fuge large frags on a rock also, if you are interested in a small colony. Let me know with any questions. I am free in the evenings and on the weekends. This is the size and color under a 50/50 PC bulb.


Originally Posted by trish&dave
Are you willing to ship? I am in Northern Kentucky not to far away from you.
My zip is 41051. Thanks
Shipping would be at your expense and your risk. I only do one frag per bag, but they do not ship very well normally. I would have to do an insulated box and a heat pack. Shipping will have to be covered by you. It is at your risk, I do not recommend shipping Xenia while it is this cold in the Midwest. Let me know what you think. Thanks


1 Left still. I will have more available when I get my tank moved over on Sunday. Let me know if anyone is interested


New Member
I bought some yesterday and put them in my tank, they didnt look very happy, but when I got home today from work they look great. They are swaying in the current and pulsing alot.


That is normal for Xenia. Since they expel so much of their mucus when they are handled, they are usually super stressed out. I am glad to hear that they are doing well!! Get some pics if you get a chance.


Originally Posted by sparkee61
Im from Valparaiso...Do you have any pulsating left?
Yes, I just moved everything over to my new tank, so they are acclimating still, but they still look great. I am going to do some more fraging tomorrow after work. When are you interested in getting some?


Originally Posted by phtby
if you have a nice size frag of the xenia left i will take on for sure i will do at you asap thanks email me phatboy@ptd.net
We are supposed to get hit with a bunch of snow in Indy, and it is supposed to drop down close to the teens this week. I will not ship right now, I can almost promise it will not make it, even with a heat pack. Until further notice, this is local pick only. Thank you for the interest.