Orange Algae


New Member
I've just set up a new marine aquarium (50 gallons)within the last month, and have been monitoring water levels, PH, ammonia and everything very closely. Everything seems to be within the right range, the couple of fish we have in the tank seem healthy and happy. However, within the last week, we have had an orange algae develope in the tank. It covers the rocks, (not live) coats the sand, the sides of the tank, everything in the tank. It scrubs off easily, which I have to do everyday, 'cause it's such an eyesore. And it comes right back later in the day. I'm not sure why this is happening. The tank does not receive any sunlight, and everything was going fine until a week ago. Could it be from overfeeding? ( Which I have tried to be careful with). Or is this just something that happens with a new aquarium, maybe has something to do with the biological cycle setting up? I have no idea. Any advice on what it is or how I can treat it would be greatly appreciated. I was so excited to get a salt water aquarium, and now this "scunge" in my tank is kinda depressing me.....Thanks for any help...Relli


Is it orange? Or brown? May it will become brown if you wouldn't scrub it off immediately.
Anyway, my guess it is diatomes. Nothing to worry about. It is part of your tank cycling. I got it too, 5-6 weeks after setup, and it disappeared after a few days. At the time I did cut back on the feeding, the lighting (from 10 to 8 hrs) and I used PhosGuard for 4 days.