orange dot + yellow headed goby

chiquita o

New Member
I have an orange dot goby. I was under the impression that he would sift the sand, at least in his territory. I have had him for 3 weeks now and he doesn't touch the sand. He does accept brine shrimp and pellets though. Would it be ill advised to add in a yellow headed goby too? I have a 40gal tank

chiquita o

New Member
I did not get any answers on the orange dot and yellow headed goby question, but I figured I'd reply to myself since I could not find anyone who knew if the 2 were compatable in case others wondered too. I took a chance, added a yellow head and sat at my tank for days to protect my poor one eyed orange dot. To my surprise, the two now share a burrow.... and the orange dot who did not touch the sand will sift through little bits occasionally! I guess they were a match made in heaven!