Orange occe. attacking maroon


New Member
Please help...just introduced a maroon clown into the tank (55) with my occelaris that has been "King " of the tank for 6 months and he keeps atackin the maroon...serious stuff...frayed fins,missing scales ect...this fish was introduced along with a foxface....the maroon is smaller than the orange but i thought clownfish were suppose to be mello...what can i do...hoping it won't kill it...I'll be out 40 bucks...and that suks....


Active Member
mello to other fish but at other clownfish that is a diffrent story. its kinda hard too explain.


Its my opinion as well as experience that you should not be mixing a maroon clown fish with any other clown species. However its usually the maroon that will win over the other types of clowns. The fact that your false perc was established first shows that he is simply fighting for his territory. I will assume that the maroon is still a juvenile?


New Member
Well the woman at the marine fish store did not tell me about the territorial thing and I just took the dead maroon back to her..(she knew i had another clown) and she would'nt give me any kind of refund...what i now I'm out a maroon clown and forty bucks.....pissed in Auburn


New Member
Yes to answer questions the maroon was a youngster and now it seems the clown is after my foxnose...will this stop? By the way the Tropical Fish Emporium in Auburn is the place that sold me the maroon clown...I'm just dumbfounded they laughed at me when I took that fish back


Staff member
LFS's are not going to take responsibility for deciding what needs to go into your tank. You need to research the animals that are compatible and appropriate, prior to jumping in a getting an animal. LFS are in business to make money and frequently, their sales people are not that knowledgeable. You're not going to get advanced hobbyists working for min wage at fish stores. If you need help, then find a fish store with a knowledgeable owner who cares about customers and the live animals that they are selling.