orange plate coral


Active Member
Im not sure how they reproduce naturally. But my LFS had a huge one that got damaged somehow and it broke in 3. Once in half and then one of the halfs broke into quaters. Each one developed its own mouth and is in their display tank.


Active Member
They have a hard skeleton so you have to tile saw through them, you can cut them in half or quarters but they usually grow back funny looking and not perfectly circular. Also if they die, eventually the skeleton will start producing multiple little plates continually, you can find these for sale from a few different places and have plates forever.


Plates don't frag well, there is a type that i can't remember the name of that grows but not in a circular shape, and they have mouths every inch or so....I just got some aquacultured ones in my last shipment.


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
I believe halomitra or lithophyllon may be what you're thinking of.
halomitra it is..the ones i got were a pale orange but where they were cut and healed was a maroon color.


i had hopes..... thank you for your replys and i will wait until it becomes mature or until i see another one for sale.... i was trying to get my buddy to frag his