Orange Shoulder Tangs?



Anyone see the new tang that's on sale here? Wow, very cool looking. Has anyone ever had one?


New Member
I have an Orange Shoulder Tang in my mixed reef tank. He is a great looking fish mine is changing into he's adult colors. Here is a pic of him.


New Member
Yes he is in a 75. He is happy but I am sure he would be happier in a 125-150 when I upgrade or I thinking about going to a 210.



Originally posted by Daniel411
Anyone see the new tang that's on sale here? Wow, very cool looking. Has anyone ever had one?

Yeah, I've been seeing quit a few around town lately at the LFS. Very cool fish.

aquarius 1

I have an Orange-Shoulder in my 75. He's getting ready to be put in a 150 because he sure is getting huge. He loves to swim and eat and I have never ever had a near aggression problem with him. Some books/people say that they're territorial nightmare and this is my second one and still not even a hint of being overly aggressive. In my opinion, a highly overlooked fish for eats beauty, hardiness, and temperment...and a great price too! This pic was taken awhile ago but here it is. When I first got him about 2 years ago, he was completely yellow.


I saw these while scuba diving in Hawaii, and they were almost a foot long! They sure are cool looking, but I'd recommend to anyone thinking about getting one to be able accomodate a big fish.