Orange tree sponge

Hi everyone .. having a great day i hope ... i have a quick question ... i just recently aquired a orange tree sponge and i was wondering .. how big they get and do they need to be in a rock or can then stand on there own ... ok 2 questions i thanks for any info given


i have never had one but have seen plenty at the lfs. At the sore I see them having them attached to a rock mid way up the tank and i have not seen one bigger then about 20". But if it gets to big I think but do not quote me but i think that you can cut and propagate them as long as you do not pull them out of your tank and they touch air. They need to be always submerged. I hope this helps.
Thanks for tryin to help the one i have is quite tall ... when i placed my order i was supposed to get a orange ball sponge but we like this one just the same ....thanks again ;)