Orange Tree Sponge...


Active Member
Can you frag these? I've got one that I want to frag so I can add some color to my other tank.
Would I just snip a branch or what? Has anyone done this?


I have not done it and I am not really 100% sure, but I read a project that some college students did where they put a sponge in a blender and blended it up and all the peices were still alive and grew. I would say you could. Just do it in the water and be sure not to remove it from the water.


Active Member
Reefkprz said you can blend the sponge but they may grow back together. I say yes go ahead and frag away!


Active Member
Well, I'm not looking to turn it into a sponge smoothie (it's about 10" tall).. I just wanna snip a branch or two... Would I be safe just taking one off with a razor blade?