Orangelined Triggerfish AKA Undy


Yeah shes very purdy! I'll post a teeth shot that a guy I know took of his just want to see if he minds first.


Is such a shame they are so mean and cant be kept with other fish. Otherwise I would add one to my trigger tank.


I have damsels in my QT and she doesn't bother them but again shes only 4" I think it would be a different story once she hits 6" or even worse 12."


What a beaut Titan!!!
That is just like ours, the single spot on the tail. We think ours is a female too because of the color of the stripes around her head.
Is yours shy or does she come out when you go to the tank. Ours hides and goes from one cave to another. She is such a puss. I couldn't get a pic of her teeth if I waited and hour. She just doesn't get close to us, unless we have food of course

Cool fish.............................Peace


Triggered she's abnormally unskittish/active. To the point I would say more than our Hummu! I'll have to look into the black spot on either side of the butt of her tail, not sure if the tail spikes are retractable or not as she can darken the patch or make it green like her body. She likes to inspect all the shells in her tank, as she'll go on her side flat and peer into the opening on a snail shell to see if any goodies are inside


Those are some nasty barbs. The Picasso has them too. She could do so much damage if she wanted. But the Pinktail hugs up against her ALL THE TIME and she never triggers or flips her tail at him. It is the weirdest thing, I have said it before, they are in love and would mate if they could.
She is definitely the most animated of our 3. She goes from cave to cave to traverse the tank (125g) I have gotten to the point of having to drop her food in for her after I turn off the lights. She was coming up and hand feeding with tweezers, but the other two are so ravinous, raise so much commotion, she is too afraid to come up.
The Picasso sucks as much food into his mouth as possible, cause he's the littlest, and then swims away and blows it out and eats it. The Pinktail follows him around and eats his scraps. When we first got the Pink and Pic, the Pic was so small, he couldn't eat a whole pellet, now..............well, he'll suck two or three in, same with the krill. Man are they little pigs!!!
Anyway, that last pic of the close up of her mouth. That is one awesome view. I never saw the little hair-like things, that make up the color. I don't see as well after 40, don't ya know....
That is one of the coolest pics I have seen, thanx for sharing


P.S. Titan,
We got 50 little Dwarf Zebra Hermits, 2 snails, one got taken over by a crab, another huge crab. The Undy is the only one that pays any attention to them. The Pink picks up the big crab, (there is a little knob on the shell) and carries it around a couple times a week, but the Undy is tenatious about trying to get those little critters, to no avail I might add.
.......Again thanx for sharing.........................Peace