Ordering from SW


We have ordered live rock from saltwater.com. Was wondering if anyone has ordered fish and if so what kinds and how were they when you got them... and do you still have them. :happyfish


yeah i have ordered a few fish, they are all still in good health
some of the healthiest fish on the internet


Active Member
Heard its great here. Getting some fish next year from here for the new 70 im setting up roung x-mas. Hope everyting goes well with your tank.


I have about 200lbs LR in my 120 from this site... best lookin LR i've seen outta the box
I have also ordered about 20-25 other times over the past few years for corals/fish/inverts and have had excellent sucess with everything... no DOA's
Best of luck to you all.. you won't be disappointed


I have only heard great things about people that have ordered from this site, and ive read a lot of posts on it =)


Thanks reefer... things are OVER half the price on here then at my lfs. Not to mention the gas money to drive an hour to get them. Thanks... we are going to try them after our tank cycles


Originally Posted by teviesfish
Thanks reefer... things are OVER half the price on here then at my lfs. Not to mention the gas money to drive an hour to get them. Thanks... we are going to try them after our tank cycles
Lol.. funny you should mention that about gas.. i just gave that as a reason for ordering on here than going to LFS.. mines 40mins away
Best of luck with everything.. keep us posted..


Well its gone down this last few days but in Iowa we were almost at 3.00! And you can get a really nice addition to your tank from sw.com for the price of a trip to even get to the lfs.


Active Member
I received my second order about 2 weeks ago and couldn't be happier with their health. One thing is that you acclimate everything according to SW.com then you should be ok. Everything I have had acclimated never showed any signs of stress at all. All fish went right to eating and active, coral openned imediately as did the anenome. Only my serpent star took almost 3 days to start moving around.
One thing was that my last order had a Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel and according to the site would be 2 to 3 inches. the one they sent although was very active was a full grown 4 inches. I wish I would have gotten him at a younger age so I could train him.