Ordering from SWF.com


I was going to try to make my first order from this site and got stopped..... Is there no way to order unless you purchase at least $75 of stuff..... Not even an option to purchase less and pay for shipping or anything???
On a similar note, anyone near the So. Indiana - Louisville Ky area wanting to split an order let me know.


I'm pretty sure you have to buy at least $75 worth of stuff. Shipping livestock is usually about $30 or more anywhere online. So you can get $75 worth of stuff with free shipping here or go somewhere else and get maybe $40 worth of stuff plus shipping. I think it is a pretty good deal.


It is definetly a good deal, if you need $75.00 worth of Fish or if you have some one to split an order with.... If not it is kind of a pain..... I wouldn't pay that much for shipping anyway.... I would just wait till I could get it from a LFS or something.
Thanks for the info!!!!!!
Once again anyone from my area want to split an order???