organic ich treatment any good?


Hi, i'm new to this board and i did a search on the topic of ich but still have a question. i have a 20g tank that's been running for a bit over 2 weeks. i have 3 damsals and 6 hermit crabs. just today, i noticed that one of my damsal has 2 white spots on it. i believe it's ich and i'm wondering if the organic ich treatment is any good:confused:
the reason i ask is becuase i don't want to harm my crabs and also, i have a QT tank.


Staff member
Hello, and Welcome to I'm afraid the only viable treatments are not easy. Also, you have a new tank, and already have so many animials. How are your water readings?



Originally posted by Beth
Hello, and Welcome to I'm afraid the only viable treatments are not easy. Also, you have a new tank, and already have so many animials. How are your water readings?

i have been adding bacteria to help cycle the tank. i just had my water tested at my LFS and they told me that i'm about half way through my cycling. so far all the damsals and hermit crabs seems to be doing really well except for the one with the ich. the guy at my LFS told me that i could try dipping the infected fish in treated fresh water for a few seconds to kill the parasites. he also said that since my tank is pretty new, the parasites are probably not in my tank system. any thoughts?