Ornaments in Saltwater Setup...please help!


New Member
I was wondering if I can take ornaments from my freshwater tank, clean them off really good, and put them in my saltwater tank.. I have a big, expensive castle type ornament that would look great in my saltwater set up. I was just curious, thanks!
saltwater will kill freshwater microorganisims. Don't waste you're time washing it; however, don't you think a $92 emperor would make your 'really cool' castle look a little cheesy?


As long as it's made for aquarium use the castle will be fine. And yes, wash it off first. :D
Don't feel bad, if you like the castle, that's all that matters!!! :D


alot of people wont put fresh water decorations like castles and things of that nature in saltwater tanks because they look out of place. If you clean it it will be fine, but im willing to bet after taking a trip to your local fish store and seeing some of the "other stuff" you can put in a saltwater tank that your not gonna want to put your castle in there. another little thing, when you clean the castle I wouldnt use bleach, when you clean with bleach you have to make sure and rinse the object until every bit of the bleach smell is gone. its hard to do this and takes a long time. I would just use warm salt water.


New Member
I appreciate your replies...The only reason that I wanted to put the castle in, was so my eel would have a good place to hide in. Does anyone have any suggestions for my eel? I have a leopard shark in there too, so i don't want anyhting to extreme that the shark could injure himself on. Thanks again for all your help, and I appreciate your advice!


I would go agains the fresh water stuffs added to saltwater tank
if you like something inexpensive(I meant cheap) please get a PCV pipe from Home Depot or Lowe
1" 10 ft long cost about $1.09 plus tax
cut according to your length needed (they even cut the pipe for you :)
your eel will love his new home


New Member
I appreciate the advice...I'm not rich or anything, but I can afford something somewhat pricey if it will good for my eel. I've thought about the PVC pipe idea, but after spending a lot on the tank, stand, firltration..etc, I'd like something that looks a little nicer...Let me know if you have any other ideas, or if there are any specific ornaments that would be good for my eel. Thanks


New Member
I was told that keeping a lot of liverock with a shark in the tank is not safe. I was looking for some other alternatives...any other suggestions?


Used to have some freshwater stuff in my tank...eventually the paint will start flaking off. Salt water tanks look goofy w/freshwater ornaments in them in my opinion. Go with the natural look, especially w/a shark!


New Member
Yeah, after reading your posts, I'm going to have to agree with you guys. Glad I got some good advice on this board...definetly worth the 30 second registration ;)
Does anyone still have any advice on something cool for my eel? Thanks again!


An idea and someone can cyberslap me if this won't work - but you could put some PVC pipe in there - decorate with shells or sand epoxied onto the tube if you hate the look of the PVC.
In time though, it will get covered in coralline and algae and blend in a bit better with your setup.
Also, I have never washed my decorations from my FW tank, just let them sit in the sun and the algae disappears in a day or two. Then rinse with fresh water and put 'em back in.


New Member
Thanks for all of the ideas. With my freshwater tank, I took a piece of 3" PVC pipe, put epoxy all over it, and rolled it in the same color gravel that I have on the bottom of my tank. It looked awesome. It was a great hiding spot that you couldn't even really see without looking at it hard. I might try the same thing with some sand, I just hope it stays. And I don't want the epoxty to hurt any of the salt water fish...Any comments on this one?