OT, End of the World


I don't know how many have seen these "experts" (with no scientific background) who've been in the media lately stating that the current solar irregular activity may lead to starilization of earth. Firstly Solar flairs don't really affect us, its the gaseous cloud that often accompanies it. Sun spots are created due to the differential axial rotation rates of different parts of the sun, which causes a "twisting" of the suns magnetic feild. This is stored energy (like twisting an elastic band) which enters the suns atmosphere and thus is seen as a darker sun spot. The suns core (site of nuclear fusion, protons to he nucleus) is the hottest part of the sun, followed by the suns atmosphere. then the suns surface. Hence the sun spot is cooler than the rest of the suns atmosphere we see. When this cloud, refered to as coronial ejection (not sure of the spelling at all) hits earths magnetic feild it compress's. Our satelites may be in trouble but by no means are we going to fry on earth. This is to the best of my understanding, however physics is not my particular discipline but i feel am a little more versed in this with respect to these blokes who haven't studied any physics.


In any non-canadian place, the "Weekly World News" isn't considered a reliable news source. ;)


Active Member
Well, the bible says fire and brimstone will rain from the sky.
Maybe this could be the way it will end. I hope i'm asleep.:(


For your information these are all americans making these claims, and LOU DOBBS is an american program on CNN which i believe is broadcasted from new york. Don't insult Canada, were bigger and were ontop, make your own conclusion from that


Perhaps I should close this now before we all start playing a game of risk.
But first my opinion: U.S and Canada are some of the best neighbors anywhere in the world, add to this mix the British Isles who helped to give birth to both of us. We are allies.
We all have our goofs, nuts, and wierdo's. Keep your opinions glued to the hobby please.


Fat ? ice cream truck ? you make no sense. There isn't an ice wall at the border like you seem to think, if this some how is related to that, thomas i'd have to say we're among the best places to live in the world, but americans aren't the only ones that take offense to their country being insulted, jlem you speak in reference to a canadian or canadien ? cause i'd only agree with the latter.


oh and please jlem save yourself from declaring some sort of war against Canada, we'd simple erase our name off the map and you'd never find us.


New Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
Perhaps I should close this now before we all start playing a game of risk.

Please do, Thomas! We have plenty of this kind of talk going on right now elsewhere. Most of us come here to relax and enjoy life and our beautiful friends from the sea and leave all that behind us! :cool: