OT: FW sand

mr. ray

New Member
What type of sand can i use for a FW tank? Is it possable to get somekinda live sand for a FW Tank?


A little known meathod to get bacteria going in a FW tank.
Take a pinch of Rid-X and just throw it in the water.
Rid-X (not sure I spelled it right) is that stuff that you put (flush) into a septic tank. Its a safe bacteria, and breaks down waste.
I've used it a few times to get a new tank broke in.

mr. ray

New Member
well I do have a FW going for the past month. I have three large snails, One LARGE Pelco sucker fish Two black mollies, 4 small snails.
I have a mixed rock floor in my tank some "river rock" stones and some pebbles and some glass rocks. I just don't really wanna vaccum the poo.
I also wanna start a 2nd 10gal tank (the one above i talk about is a 10gal) with some 2 oscars.


There really isn't anything in the freshwater aquarium that will do what a sw tank will do. In a fw tank, its almost bad to have worms or snails, that you didn't already buy. The fact of a fw tank is that you have to clean the gravel as a part of maintenance.
I certainly don't hope you plan on keeping two oscars in a 10 gallon tank. They reach about 12-14 inches long and they grow very fast. One oscar would not be able to be kept in a 10 gallon let alone two. A 55 is a minumum for these messy fish IMO.
If you want sand, they do sell it, but it just gets in the way and doesn't do you any real good like sw sand bed would. Unless your going to keep freshwater sting rays, you dont' need a sand bed.


I've been doing FW for 20+ years, and the only way to keep the amonia and nitrates down is "vaccum the poo".
I did many "bare bottem" tanks with filters, but as long as you have rock/gravel, you will need to "vaccum the poo"
Water changes also must be done, so when cleaning the gravel, just fill the tank back up.
If you were to go with sand on the bottem, go with about one inch and a good bio-wheel filter. Then the filter will take care of the poo. (no under gravel type setup). You will still have to do water changes though.