OT - HAIRTRIGGER - Patriot Act 2?


I’m not a big fan of conspiracy theories - but I’m less of a fan of conspiracies.
There has been some "chatter" about a leaked draft of the "Patriot Act II".
Wondering what our friends at CNN think of the document.


Active Member
Hey, I actually just saw this post. I am at work now but haven't been in since Tuesday morning. I actually have no idea what this document thing is. Let me do some reading on it and ask some folks around here about it. I'll probably have something to post later this morning. Sounds pretty interesting though. I kind of like conspiracies as long as they're true and are able to be proved. Sounds cool, I'll check it out and get back to ya. :cool:


most of the talk is from "fringe" sources - but it is on "Wired" and PBS's Bill Moyer (ahem , but that seems to be missing today...)
If you want to email me I'll send you a link, or the doc.
EDIT - I found it - most search links seem to not point to the right doc. Here is the heading from PBS (credible news source, no?)
Transcript: Bill Moyers interviews Chuck Lewis
HT - thank you. This is keeping me up at night.


Active Member
I have read the draft, and I think it is most likely true. When Bush took office I was basicaly a border line Republican, and am now basicaly ashamed that he is running our country, and will never vote for a republican again if someone in that party does not stand up to him, because he could quite possibly be crazy. Nobody wants to call his Iraq plan BS because they are all afraid there will be a backlash(your not patriotic, or what about all the 9-11 victims). Iraq has nothing to do with 9-11, and osama and his buddies actualy hate saddam as much as us(well at least close to as much). Ashcrofts bill will further expand the police state that this admin has been pushing. I guess that is what happens when the nation is being run by an upper crust Yale C student. But hey at least the economy is doing great:mad:


I just had a paragraph typed and deleted it because I don't want to start anything. Yet. I will wait and then jump on the wagon.


Active Member
Removed - Too much off topic and misunderstood anyway. I should stick to my rule about not discussing politics.


The Constitution was not written to make law enforcement easy. As for our "damn rights", many people shed blood to get and keep them. I guess they did not think enough of how it would inconvience you.
I agree that Bush has been a disaster as a president. He is unelected and becoming less and less popular. He will have to invade Iraq soon because more and more people are finding his position uncomfortable and worse, wrong. At least Ralph Nader, the "no difference between the politcal parties", hasn't come out of hiding to further disgust many of us on the sober and center left.


Active Member
Ark.... I cant find this thing anywhere and no one here has heard enough about it to tell me much. Post that link so I can read about it. I am definitely interested now. Well, even more anyways. :cool:


Bronco...While you do have a good point..i must beg to differ on not being a republican...to me..a less then satisfactory president is better then the democrats willingness to kill unborn babies..Bush may not be the best...but i don't think Gore would have been any better..but hey..i'm olny 16 so lol..i don't know alot about politics..lol
Looking up,


Active Member

Originally posted by RoGeTa
i'm olny 16 so lol..i don't know alot about politics..lol

Even at 16 you are a member of our country and your opinion matters to me. Don't fool yourself into thinking banning abortion would stop it, it would just make it dirtier in a back alley somewhere (believe me I don't like it either). I agree that Gore is also awfull, but there are other choices. As far as Bush not being the best, I believe he will go down as the worst president in history, and if you look at Texas he did not do a bang up job there also. There enviromental rating went straightdown the tubes, death penalty went through the roof, and so did the violent crime rate. He has all but approved the use of nukes in the battle field(that is sending the way wrong message to other countries) and has provided no plan for an economic recovery. To get a good jump on politcal ideology check out a book titled "A Conflict of Visions" by Thomas Sowell. It is not about republicans or democrats, just about political view points, debate, and systems.


Active Member
Just out of curiosity where did you get your numbers for 70 terrorist attack? You also mention the war in Afghanistan, have you ever been there? I slept for 100 days right next to the detainee camp, and most the people in there were old or litteraly crazy ( as in Mental Health, not violent). Also go read the news we are not freeing anyone in Afghanistan. We have now taken to the practice of siding with whatever Warlord is pro US, wether their policies are worse than the talibans or not. Also if your theory about econimcs is true, than why did we spend 89-92 in a recession? wouldn't that had been caused by the same trickle down economics as Bush is planning to use( by the way consult a historian about history, not econmics that would require an economist http://www.startribune.com/stories/561/3654434.html). As far as your military information goes have you ever heard this. Total amount of children in Iraq population 50%. Homes in Iraq that don't recieve freshwater 2 out of 3, number after projected war 3 out of 3. Also if Iraq could have harmed us by now they would have tried, but the fact is they can't even harm there neighbors, Turkey, Iran, Israel, and yes even Syria could crush their miltary in a heart beat, and no muslim country would ever invade Saudi, because it is their Holy Land, it would be like A group of Budhists invading Tibet. Go check out www.foxnews.com and check the size of our huge coalition (US GB and Spain).

nm reef

Active Member
Enough already.....this is a reef forum and should stay that way as much as possible. There is no doubt in my mind that the above issues are discussed in depth at some other forum...and its my opinion that they should stay there. Politics and religion can often lead to heated exchanges...lets stop this one before it deterioiates into a ugly exchange of my view vs your view.:cool: