OT: How much beer is too much?

Here is the situation: I was talking to my doctor the other day and the topic of drinking came up. I mentioned that the "other night" I had had 4 beers over the course of the evening, while repairing my wifes car. (About 3 hours)
He was most concerned. He opined that " four beers was a lot to drink in an evening..." I failed to reassure by asking him " then why do they sell 6- and 12- packs?"
Where do the wizened members of this board stand?


Active Member
i think 4 beers are way to many:D :D after you drink #3 you sould restart back at 1 that way you never have to many beers.
i never make it past 2 beers to tell you all the trurth.:D :D


Active Member
Well...personal Christian opinion for me is 1 is too much. However---
Biological opinion as learned from my too many years studying biomedical technology (BA and PhD) says that it really depends on the person. We all know this anyway. One person may be "tipsy" over 2 beers, whereas someone else may be stone cold drunk over 2 beers.
Anyway, if you don't have a horrendous headache the next day and your liver is fine (even though studies show 1 sip of 1 beer kills smaller hepatocytes...) after 4 beers, then it should be fine.
And about that 6 and 12 pack question...I think you're supposed to share with everyone else in the room. :D Except me. I think is tastes bad. :cool:


Wow, I thought Christians and wine went together like cheese and crackers... wow, I bet Jesus would be dismayed to hear this.
Anything less that four beers is a waste of money and your doctor shold know this - buy him a 6-pack, he needs to loosen up.


Active Member
It is all a question of what are you drinking? Old milwaukee? one is too many...anything you can buy for 3.99 6 packs...one is too many. Now when you get a nice michelob amber bock, As many brews as you have funds (and tolerance) for is acceptable!
Just a thought.


Active Member
Wow, I thought Christians and wine went together like cheese and crackers... wow, I bet Jesus would be dismayed to hear this.
Biblical wine was historically very different from the wine people drink today...long story short, back then it was more like grape juice and used sparingly when they didn't want to drink water.
Maybe the doctor was just a recovering alcoholic and didn't want anyone else to go through what he went through. All those years of college can hurt a person's liver. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by aarone
now when you get a nice michelob amber bock, As many brews as you have funds (and tolerance) for is acceptable!
Just a thought.

LOL my company thanks you!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D


one beer a day is recommended to keep the blood flowing . think thats all thats allowed. but even one is too many for me , ICK
Im a tequilla drinker meself


If your fish need food and you only have enough money for 4 beers then, 4 beers is too many.
If you want to buy a six pack and it cuts into your coral fund, the beer is to much.
If you have 4 beers then start dumping your cans into the aquarium then its too much.
If you have 4 beers then drive and kill someone, then 4 beers is too much.
Now if you aren't going anywhere, and your at home and responsible, 4 beers are fine.
Iv'e seen to many stupid things that are alchohol related in my life. I worked for an undertaker.


Active Member
Another vote for drink more beer! Save water for your fishes & coral! Too much beer? Is there such a thing? Maybe when you drink so much yuo cnat tpye dna splle collrectrly wehn ouy tpye!
Just Kidding! :D I am gonna get another one now though after reading this it made me thirsty.
PS- Of course I agree 100% drinking & driving etc. is a VERY stupid idea.


Active Member
Do I see a pole in the near future? "OT - whats your favorite beer?"
It could be educational to see which beer is preferred by reefkeepers!


Active Member
I'm going to steer clear of a lot of the topic here (I'm a strong Christian and an alcohol-drinker), but I did want to tell escape2thewater that there was just such a post here about a year ago. Perhaps it is time to do a new one though....why don't you start one up?
yep, i smell a poll too, and it smells like PBR! well only if im broke i get PBR (pabst blue ribbon for those of you who dont already know). and with it is PBR 4 isnt even close to enough, at least not for me :D but when i make my own beer, 1 is to much!! when beer gets into 15 to 18% alc/vol then you better watch out, and waking up in the bathroom after a few of my beers is the least of your worries, hope you dont wake up with someone else next to you you dont know lol.
as far as fav. beer, i would have to say most of the local beers around here, very good stuff, and for well known beer i would go with rolling rock or corona with lime :D


Active Member
Dont tempt me krish! I just might have to.....the only trouble would be the list of beers would be a mile long! It would take all night to type up the pole! ( I will do it though if nobody else does soon! ...I dont have time tonight unfortunately.)


Active Member
Sam koch (sam adams) made a brew that was 48% WOW! It was 100 bucks for like a 30 oz decanter. The bottle was pure copper. Limited edition type stuff though. Hey powdertoastman...is it hard to make your own brew? I saw my friends dad do it once and he bottled it in a coke bottle but there was grainy mush stuff in the bottle as well.