OT: If you never hear from me again.....


Active Member
I've got the winning ticket (at least I hope I do) in The BIG Game tonight.
350,000,000 dollars.... Thats a whole lot of zeros! count em'!
I will move to Key West and live happily ever after! Maybe even buy a small Island.... Figi? Hawaii? Japan? Who knows.....
Just wanted to let all of you know, after tonight I may become a ghost :)


Active Member
Good Idea.. With that much money, we could go get our own corals. That would be awsome!
wamp....as cute as I think it is that you feel you got the winning numbers, well, I hate to burst your bubbl* but...I already know that I have it and I already know where its going. Never give up that positive attitude!


Wamp call me when you get down to the keys I already have all the hot spots marked on G.P.S. You supply the Bertram and I'll supply the spots.
well wamp sorry to tell U man buy IF u do have the winning numbers.....then U have the same numbers as I have and we will have to share the jack pot...I got the winning numbers ALSO.......LOL :D Good Luck to u!!!! ;) :p <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Active Member
Man... and all this time I thought I was the only one who bought a winning ticket :(
Just goes to show you, between corals and tickets I am a broke man....
I think with that much money we could split it and both be happy.....Just to let U know I already picked out a 22.5 million dollar home in Flordia...I started shopping on Sunday the day I brought the winning ticket.........LOL :D

nm reef

Active Member
Well "when " you collect the winnings and right after paying good ol Uncle Sam.......i'd like nothin but a well equiped 220 reef ready.....I got my price list ready!!!! Don't need to hire me.....don't wanna be a hanger on....just pay for my addiction and I'll let ya live in peace!!!!! <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> :D
Well i dont know about you guys, but i hope you win more then i did last week....one measly dollar. If I hit $5 i'll send you all hermit crab shells <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


I have the winning ticket not you buddy
<img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


One of the things I'm going to do is open up an aquacultured reef store and research company. My way of giving back to the ocean and hopefully help this hobby to continue thriving for years to come.
Another thing is buy Mr bubs. aka (patrick star) his own message board. That way everyone will be happy. :D


Okay Wamp you said you would hook me up with the 10 grand so don't forget me b/f you take off for the happy ever after!! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> :D


Active Member
I won 2 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No one hit it.. It only grows... the winning numbers are mine next time!!!!!!