OT: Just curious what kind of people are into reef tanks


I have noticed that there are alot of regulars on this board, and I would like to learn a little about these people, rather than just a name and what kind of reef tank they have. So post what you do for a living, family, other hobbies or interests and so on. Ill start
real name is Ryan. I live in Canada and was recently married in January. My house has finally finished being built and we have lived here for a few months now. I am 24 and I work as a police officer. I love my aquarium that I have set up because it is a great hobby to teach me patience and helps to relieve stress. I also enjoy computers and thats about it. I am pretty boring I guess you can say, but I love my wife and enjoy spending quality time at home. Now you know a little more about bosco0633.


hey there bosco
, i'm 26, i work in IT mainframe for louisiana dept. of social services. i enjoy computers, my tanks, fishing, and enjoying life. i also spend most of my free time away from my tanks working on my baby...


I guess I'm next. My name is Says Louangphakdy (easier than it looks). I'm 22, turning 23 on June 19th. I live in Auburn WA which is 15 minutes south of Seattle. I'm a finance manager at Acura of Seattle for the last 2 months, 2.5 years selling. I got into this hobby after I bought my house last year and after finishing messing around with one of my cars (1992 Toyota MR2 Turbo with almost 400hp). That use to be my money pit, now it's the three tanks I have running. Not married and currently single after a 3 1/2 year relationship.


Hello, name is Frank. I work with fed ex but I'm thinking about trying out the police academy. 30 years old and happily married(2yrs). Live in NY (all my life), traveled and had tons of fun during my teens and early twenties and finaly decided to settle down. Love to read, write and of course I have my reef. Now we're saving for a house (hopefully in 2-3 years) to move to florida where I'll have more room to keep extra tanks :D


Hi My name is Theresa I just started my tank 1 month ago. I am happily married and have 2 daughters.I am an electrican for GM.I like to flower garden and read sci-fi.
hi my name is Tina and i am 27 yrs old .. i have a 5 yr old daughter and have been in a relatinship with my gf for 2 yrs now .. i love music ,pets of all kinds we have 5 cats a ,pug ,2 hamsters and my 2 tanks .. i also like reading and movies . and i still do not know what i want to be when i grow up .. :D


<rubs his eyes, squinting to see this early in the morning> I'm Michael. :) I'm 24. I live in the eastern part of TN, with my significant other of a year and a half. I have two jobs. I work in a supported living program for developmentally disabled adults full time, and I also work at my local college library part time. I am a full time student majoring in adult education with a minor in psychology. My 55 gallon (someday reef) is my only escape from reality. With two jobs and school I have very little time for any other hobbies. My tank is a great stress reducer. :)


my name is scott i work for the electric company here in CT. i am married with 2 kids. i am into my tanks, i have both fresh and salt. i like to read sci fi and work in my yard.


Active Member
My name is Dan I'm a 33 year old father of two. One boy and a girl. I'm a computer Tech and live in Jacksonville NC. In addition to aquaria, I like hiking, almost anything outdoors, fishing, and computers.


Active Member
Hello, my name is Dima. I'm 27 years old. I live in Israel. Work at Intel electronics. I've been in this hobby for a year and half. Tomorrow will be the BIG day for me. Ater posting a questions on this board and reading others, i'm ready now to switch my tank to a natural filteration method. LR+DSB. This hobby is developed in israel,but in very different way. Using crushed corals and wet/dry filteration is the only way i heard from people and LFS guys here. Probably that's why there is no aragonite sand here :(
I will do that using quartz sand + live sand.


hey tigerseye, what kind of pug do you have? I have a 6 month old fawn pug,she was the runt of the litter.
This is alright, now when you aske questions you have a little bit of knowledge of who the person is behind the name. I think it is great that there are people all accross the world, from different backgrounds that share similar interests. Thank you all for you replys.


Active Member
My name is Lisa I'm 32 years old, my hubby is (Fixit)his real name is Tom, I'm currently a Licensed Daycare Provider, Tom was(is) a Truck Driver, currently on temp. disability.(drunk driver hit him head on 2 years ago) We have 2 children, 14 year old son and 12 year old daughter. We have 4 SW tanks, 200,72,30, &20. 6 Jack Russell Terriors. We live in Michigan about 1 hour from Detroit. Our dream is in the near future to open a Saltwater Fish Store in our area. Lisa <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Neat topic. My name is Leslie (38) and I am a cancer biologist for Pfizer in CT. I have been very happily married to my husband for just over 5 years and we are about to try to start a family. We have an adorable cat and my other interests include volleyball (indoor and beach), road biking, blading and gardening. I have always had fish of one sort or another and I'm so glad that I found this BB to help me make mine better for my fishies.


New Member
Hi my name is keith, I am 23 and i live in central/upstate NY with my Bf. I am a Network Administrator for a large network storage company. I just started my reef in december of last year before that i have a fo. I like scifi, computers, MTG, Law & Order, rollerblading and skiing. I travel alot just got back from a cruise and heading to DC this weekend.
PS thank you to everyone for the GREAT info on this board.


Active Member
My name is Jackson. I'm a reefaholic.
hehe... um, I'm 25 (26 in May). I currently do web design/programming at a state university in New York, but I'm looking to move into database administration. Check out my website for some of my interests.


Hi, my name is Barbara, I'm 44 and I live in Florida. Married for 15 yrs to a very understanding man, and we have a 14yr old son who is into snakes (2 ball pythons). We also have a dog, a chow mix named Bowser. I've been keeping fish since I was a kid, started with native freshwater, now I have 3 salt and 2 fresh tanks. I am a QA tech and I work for an international company that makes electronic componants......(you never knew life could be so exciting!). I like to read sci-fi, but lately I haven't had the time....I also like to surf the net!!

sinner's girl

HI, I'm a 20yr old college kid. That's right I'm still a kid, always will be if I have it my way. I spend too much time on this board when I'm not here I'm in class, studing, watching cartoons, or with sinner. No kids, and not married. I've been with sinner for over two years (he got me started in sw). I'm an English major, will graduate next Spring and hope to go to law school. This summer I will be away from the tank (I spend summers at my parents house). which means I have to rely on sinner to take care of the tank...I just pray no one dies...and that he doesn't bomb (for bugs) the place again and kill them all. I have one cat at my parents place, and a stray cat at sinner's that I feed left over Cafe food.
well i have a test claa at 12, test at 2. I'm off to hit the book..
Have a good day


Hey all, my name is Mark, I live in Los Angeles county, CA. I'm 28, married 2 years and I'll have a baby girl next month. I love to ride my 3 wheeler in the sand dunes (where they filmed Scorpion king, Stargate) with my wife and friends at <a href="http://www.glamisdunes.com" target="_blank">www.glamisdunes.com</a> . I have 2 cats and an awesome 1 year old Akita. My wife got my the 25 gallon tank for my b-day in January and have been hooked ever since. You guys are great, lots of info.


Hi my name is Marc. Married w/ 1 Child (6yr)I work year round at a local ski resort at Lake Tahoe as a Lift Mechanic. I have 4 tanks 1 salt 3 fresh, A big old fat fawn pug named oscar (look for him on Americas funniest home videos someday) two cats and a turtle. I do Guns, Guitars, Tanks and Snow Sports.