OT: request for html code information

nm reef

Active Member
A few years ago I forced myself to learn how to write the code for my basic little website. Since then I have tried to learn how to develope a site more along these lines...Example site lay-out
All I want is the basic structure or code developed so I could have a column with the same type header as on my current page with a full view pic and a brief bit of info below that. On the left column I would like to have buttons that would open another page...maybe one for equipment/corals/fish/links/e-mail. I'd like to learn how to write this code myself...but for some reason the basics are all I can grasp!! What I'd really like is a temp plate like I discribed above that I could use to alter text and pics fairly easily. Does that make any sense at all? My current site its a simple process to up-date or alter all my text and pics...at the same time maintain the sites appearence. I'd like a larger site with 4-5 seperate pages and a nice welcome page. Is there anybody here that can help a computor dummy develope this idea futher?:cool:
Below you'll find my current website and a e-mail link ...go ahead and contact me away from the forum if you can assist me futher develope my website...and thanks in advance.
“...all we are saying...is give Peace a chance!”


In case other's might find this useful.
Web - "If you see it you can steal it". Well maybe steal is too harsh a word but you'll see. :)
While you're looking at the web page (assuming you're using IE, Netscape will have something similar) Click on the View menu -> View Source. It'll popup notepad or something similar with the HTML razza matazz. In notepad do a File -> Save As. You've just copied the web page. Change the details (either writing the HTML if you’re a Real Man, or FrontPage etc if you want to get it done in a lifetime), and repost it to your site.
That page looks pretty simple - sometimes when looking at a pretty page the HTML is horribly complex.


Actually this is not really the case, you can copyright looks to website. WHile it is possible to get the code this doesnt make it yours, you can get in trouble for it.

nm reef

Active Member
Many thanks for the response and e-mails so far. I will respond to those that want to help me out via e-mail ... this isn't the place to hold conversations on this project.
I have searched and looked for web info on temp plates and stuff...my problem is going from the type site I now have to a more copmplex developement. For some reason I'm not able to figure out how to re-dign/modify my current site. Best way I can explain my prediciment is to say I wrote the code for the current site...and thats about all I can do. I can't get it thru my skull how to set up the columns and buttons and links to additional pages. All I've been able to sort of understand is what you see on my site...one page with the stuff you see on it. I just want somebody to kick me in the head or jump start me in the right direction. Probably both!!!


www.htmlgoodies.com check it out its where i first learned it....and by chance they sale fish now im sorry it got erased before anyone seen it. I also looked at the website you had as example. It looks pretty nice. If I was going in that direction I would frame it and run it all off of a java script to prevent picture theft.


If I was going in that direction I would frame it and run it all off of a java script to prevent picture theft.
Unfortunatly JS will only slow down picture theft not stop it. The best defense on picture theft is really a digital watermark so you can prove its been stolen after the fact.


Yes but it can greatly slow it down. and we are talking average picture snatcher is the average surfer too. As far as that goes I have a banshee sitting in my yard you can steal. I'll even give you the key if you get to it. It's just that the two German shepherds and the two wolf hybrids are going to slow you down. Average thief will go on. If they want it bad they will try until they get it. Just taking a big gamble that the critters don't catch them. I do agree that watermark or something of the sort will be able to mark your picture for claiming rights. Are you willing to fly around the world cause someone used your picture in japan? Prevention is the key of what I said.


For me if someone wants to save my picture its not too big of a deal to me its when they want to use it and claim it as there own. IMO These type of people usually know how to turn off javascript.
But I agree every little bit helps.