OT: Summers over Back to School


I'll be a senior in high school this Monday (Aug 18th) woo-hoo!
Going to miss sleeping in all morning and spending the day on the forums. Plus I won't be able to see my fish as much :(
I remember those last few days before school started every summer... tried to stay up all night every night that week so I can make them feel longer.
Then you graduate and work the rest of your life :D
Have fun this year!


im only a sophmore :( . school doesnt really bother me, i still stay up too 2-3 am on school nights. but school takes away 8 hours of looking at the fish :(


Active Member
This fall will be the first time in 19 years that I will not be "going back to school." Most strangely, I am dreading school/college starting more this year than any other time, even though it is the first time I'm not actually going to school. Perhaps it is dreading the fall-winter, where there are less opportunities to do things outside, not to mention no more summer fruits and veggies! Or perhaps it is because I am heavily involved in youth ministry and so going back to school still affects me because it affects my youth group. Or maybe I'm dreading more because I'm used to going to school and this time I am not.


Okay I will try and not sound to HAPPY that school is back in session:D Ahhhh the peace and quiet:D at home:D


Active Member
I've been out of highschool for quite sometime. Actually, we just had our 20th reunion this year. It was great to see all my old friends, but I don't miss highschool that much. College was so much more fun. Enjoy your highschool years as they will be gone before you know it and look forward to college. It makes the toys you can have later in life pretty nice!
Have a great school year for all of you in school this year!


Senior year is simply a blast! About to head back, well... freshman at a college this winter, after a four year break. I kind of stretched my "gap" year!


Active Member
Back to school..hahahaha
I do not miss school of any fashion...
Nor do I enjoy any training or other things at which I do not chose my own topics of study...
You have fun at school...hahahaha


New Member
What a great time for you! Have a good year and enjoy every minute of it. Will be over before you know it!


Active Member
Sophmore, freshman...
What does it all mean?
Please educate an educated Englishman


Col -
Freshman - 1'st year (college / high school)
Sophomore - 2'nd year
Junior - 3'rd year
Senior - 4'th (final year)
then Kindergarten through grade school (k-5'th or 6'th grade) then middle school (6'th to 8'th usually) then high school is year 9 through 12. Then you go to the college of your choice, your prior 12 years of education is thrown out of the window and you start over from scratch because public education didn't teach you anything important.
Sigh.. I'm sorry, our public education system is actually really good. I'm just a little bitter because our school district seems to place more emphasis on the test scores than what people actually learn. So they lower the standards of the tests to make the scores better... detrimental to the quality of the education. It makes me sad when I see college freshman misuse effect / affect / their / there / they're / your / you're on a regular basis.
Don't get me started on fractions and decimals.
i'll get off the soapbox now.


Active Member
Sounds complicated!!!
So at what age do kids actually leave school and look for work (earliest age)?