OT-website on signature

well if you clicked my signature website, you might see that the site takes over your/my salt water fish tank site, not making another pop up. Does anybody know how to fix this? The website has nothing to do with saltwater fish, so do any of you guys suggest to leave it on, or take it off?


New Member
thats what i said...but then again....i've been aclimated by my 14 year old son......it almost looks german but.... hey for 13 though.....xXxvietXxX is pretty smart wouldnt u say?


Active Member
Besides being extremely hard to read...........your site places ad software on anyones computer who visits it. This software collects information from your computer and sends it back so advertisers can target advertise. I used ad-aware and visited several times after removing the software from my computer, and it came back each time, so I know it is your site that put it on my computer. I really really hate sneaky advertisers who place ANYTHING on my computer.........should be illegal in my opinion. It is an invasion of privacy. I believe it works like this.....they put a cookie type deal on your computer which sends back all the places you have visited online, and then the advertiser can get a better idea of what you may be interested in buying..........not cool in my opinion. Your site places two on each computer that visits.


Active Member
first, as mentioned, very hard to see
2d, too many pop-ups, I HATE POP-UP!!!!! ADS!
defintiely not german


Active Member
Yeeeah. Ok. I hate to break it to you... your wishes, and claims on your site that I am now "your thug" are only wishful thinking. I would recommend taking that link off your signature to avoid angering anymore swf.com members. Very intrusive. Not only is "thug life" usually lived behind bars, it is nothing to aspire to. Plus, all the little pop ups and other noise are extremely annoying. I feel like I just wasted a minute of my time at work looking at that "thug" site when I was hoping to look at an aquarium there. Ugh. I hope that site isn't a reflection of most of America's youth. Cause if children are the future... God help the USA. :mad: :confused: :mad:
Umm sorry guys, I'll take it off right now, sorry for all your troubles, I seriously am.
I am 13... I dont know, and I am seriously am sorry for all the trouble I caused you guys...
I hope I dont get kicked off the board. You guys please don't kick me off. I get a lot of useful information here for my 180. Please don't.


Active Member
Hey justin, why would we kick you off?? Why would you think that?? We are just picking on you a little....you aren't going anywhere......I was a kid once, and when you are my age....28, you will be doing the same thing, and "trying to figure out the kids nowadays".:D :D So dOnT WorrY sO mUCh!:) Just don't wear your pants down at your knees OK?:D


Dude little advise when you make a site choose a server that doesnt do popups and doesnt use spyware that will get the worst responce ever.
as far as the website itself for being 13 its pretty darn good all things considered. the one things i would change though is increase you letter size that little print really sucks to try to read espically the way it wrote LOL
;-Þ Kinda like try to read this LOL
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BT means nothin dont try to make sense of it ;-¢
any way but as far as the writting it would be alright if you could actually see the characters that you were trying relay.



Originally posted by HairTrigger
I hope that site isn't a reflection of most of America's youth. Cause if children are the future... God help the USA.

I never saw the site so no disrespect there. I just have to agree with this statement...I'm 16 and trying to figure what is going to happon to us lol.


Active Member

Originally posted by RoGeTa
I never saw the site so no disrespect there. I just have to agree with this statement...I'm 16 and trying to figure what is going to happon to us lol.

After teaching high school for a while I think most kids worry about what's gonna happen to them - the best anwer is LIFE. Like Sammy said in 10-15 years you are going to be like - Man I wish tehy would turn that NOISE down ..... Why do they dress like that?? How can tey two text message on such a small screen .... yada yada yada
Like I said, I'm sorry for all the people that had clicked it..
thx Sammy, you just got my confidence back up that I'm not going be to kicked off the board :D