Ot: Weiner dogs


Active Member
Ok sorry, but i had to put these on the web. I love my two dachsunds to death, they are so interesting. Does anyone else have a cat like dachsund?

i like the third one because it looks like he is smilin!:D


I want my dog back. My little girl Cleo aka Lola looks like your little pup. And she also likes to walk on high places like a cat.


Active Member
When my little buddy gets scared, he will run up behind my neck and rest on my shoulders. Its hilarious.:cool:


That is pretty neat, but for some reason... I just don't like those dogs! :(
Here is mine and the cat who is her buddy. These are old pictures, she was just a pup in them but is now almost a year old. She has more personality than any other dog I have had.


Active Member
They do have alot of personality. Really fun dogs. They make you laugh
That is pretty neat, but for some reason... I just don't like those dogs!
Im sorry:(


Active Member
We already had 2 dogs, then were going through a rough time in life and decided to get a dauchsund. Well whensaw them there were 2 left. We couldn't decide which one to get. I made a joke on the way home tha we could get both and call them Mark and Brian. (Morning talk show that I listen to.) So of course we got both. One was long and lean and a total water dog. Turn on a hose and there was Brian. The other was short and fat and cute as a button. Also dumb as a box of rocks. I still remember the time that I had the door open and I was telling Mark to go out. He was 3 feet away from me and all the other dogs were outside, but Mark just looked at me. I kept telling him to go out and he sat down as if to say, What are you trying to tell me?
Potty training was a nightmare with these dogs. It didn't help that one of the older dogs saw the little dogs going pee in the house and decided "Oh good we can go pee in the house again. I am so happy for that" Brian, one of the little dogs, swallowed a pacifier and we had to take him to the emergency vet. Cost us $1,200. He also cost us extra to get him fixed.
We finally got fed up with the little dogs and gave them away to a good family.
Over 2 grand, we do not have the dogs, Sam still pees in the house and gets in the trash when we leave. We have to put the trash can on the counter when we leave the house. Getting in the trash is something that he learned from the little dogs (the dauchsunds)
However I do have to say that I would get dauchsunds again. They are wonderful dogs with lots of personality.
we had one when I was growing up and he was my dog. I used to love to tell Max that it was time to go to bed. He would run down the hall so fast that his hind end would slide out from him when he would turn the corner.


i have two one is 10 years(maxi) and the other is 7(molly). maxi is the mother but the weird thing is she only had the one. they both behave except for the fact they bark if we leave them alone


Nickie passed in 98 she was 12 and Oscar passed 9-28-02 he was 17... I miss them both very much. Now my litle girl has her's. His name is "Ollie".


New Member
She is great! this pic is when she was 3 months old. I hope I never go totaly blind. My kids love her