OT: Winter Vacation spots


Me and my wife are planning to go on vacation in February. We havent decided were to go yet but we want to go out of the country. And to a place thats going to be hot enough to snorkel... We'd also like to know where people recommend snorkeling.

nm reef

Active Member
I'm going to move this thread over to the off topic forum......best of luck on your vacation.....wish I could be there....'cause I really need a vacation.


Active Member
well they are all pretty close. my father has a place on st thomas so we take the boat to the others. I love them all. All of them are very peaceful great places.


I think we went to St. Maarten on the cruise we went on for our honey moon 1 year and half ago.. but when your on a cruise you never really get to enjoy 1 place... We went to Megans Bay... I think that was St. Maarten


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
st thomas, st john, martinique are all very good spots very nice clear water.
these are all great places but from what i have done cozumel is the best fish spot. Its waters are clearer than any other ive been in and its a great place to snorkel/scuba dive.


Originally Posted by Shnabbles
I think we went to St. Maarten on the cruise we went on for our honey moon 1 year and half ago.. but when your on a cruise you never really get to enjoy 1 place... We went to Megans Bay... I think that was St. Maarten
was this on norwegion cruise lines because i did one like that a yr and a 1/2 ago.