other fish


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank that i had planned a reef setup in. however as i get farther in i am relaizing i just dont really want the troubles in my wallet! so here is my question...
i have
1 bicolor angel
1 percula clown
1 bicolor blenny
1 green chromis
1 yellow tang
2 yellow tail damsels
several hermits a lettuce nudi
and several polyps of which i got from a piece of the aquacultured multi-rock here on the sight!
and roughly 60 pounds of LR
would it be alright to incorporate a puffer of any sort (any recomendations anyone) or perhaps a fuzzy dwarf lion in with this tank to make it more of a semi-agressive FOWLR?


I think your pushing or bioload
but if your not having a problem with your water id go with one of the small toby
some of the tobbys from hawaii can be really pretty