New Member
We have a 40 gallon saltwater tank, it is almost a year old. We had some bad luck on our first attempt with fish. We purchased a fish at the LFS and it had ich, long story short all fish died. So the tank has been sitting empty but has been maintained for the last seven months. The tank has 40lbs of live sand and 60lbs of live rock. yesterday we purchased 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 clown fish and there are 5 mexican turbos and 15 hermit crabs in the tank. Our brother has been giving us advice and set up the tank, we are looking for others opinions on equipment and what type of corals we should start with. The tanks equipment includes a whisper hob filter, hob protein skimmer, 1 power head, coralife vho light. How much water flow should we have in our tank? The tank has good coraline algae.