Our little Angel


Active Member
I'm sure all parents have moments like this...
My inlaws are coming this afternoon. We spent the majority of last night cleaning the house. Brian was cleaning his library, I was vacuuming, and Aria(6) was picking up her toys. The downstairs was finished, but the upstairs still needed a clean sweep.
I awoke to odd sounds coming from the living room...little squeaks and sloshing noises...probably the tanks~I dismissed it and drifted back to sleep...some time latter I awoke to a loud clatter...I could hear Aria humming and talking...I assumed she was playing and went back to sleep.
We were woken up by a sweet little voice..."it's 8:57, time to get up! Grandma and Grandpa will be here soon!"
~oh yea...house cleaning to finish...oh joy....

Before I could get my contacts in Aria grabs my hand and stays chattering" guess what I did while you and daddy were sleeping!!!!"
uh-oh I thought.....
Aria excitedly drags me into her room..."See! I cleaned my whole room!!! and that's not all!!!!
I managed to get my contacts in before she pulled me into the living room.
"I cleaned the WHOLE upstairs..SURPRISE!!!"
Now fully awake I looked around in amazement. The living room was spotless, the floor was swept and mopped. The coffee table was cleaned off and the magazines were stacked neatly....
"I cleaned the kitchen TOO!!!"
"Blink...blink"....she had...the floors were swept and mopped...she had wiped off the table...
I gave her a huge hug and kiss. "My angel, thank you sweetie, thank you very much. Her sweet face beamed back at me. God may have taken her wings, but he let her keep her halo.


i'm going to send you my 8 & 9 year old for some training. how much do you charge per hour.

can't get any better than that.
she is an angel for being so helpful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nu2salt
i'm going to send you my 8 & 9 year old for some training. how much do you charge per hour.
can't get any better than that.
she is an angel for being so helpful.
Hmmm....got any ricordia or gorgonians???
I'd be happy to do a kid exchange, Aria's has been begging for a brother or sister. I keep telling her, it's up to the "Man" upstairs.
That'd be kinda fun...hmmm
Our parenting is "old school" style. Let's see here...Aria hasn't gotten a spanking since she was two years old...that was when she decided to test mommy and daddy what they would do if she kept getting out of bed. She kept it up for a good 45 minutes...after her 10th try Daddy said, "my you must LOVE spankings, cause you keep getting out of bed!!!" When was the last time your kids got swatted?....
Zero tolerance for bad language...respect your elders...do as you're told THE first
time...home work 1st, in bed at 9 pm on school nights.

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Thanks Hmmm....got any ricordia or gorgonians???
I'd be happy to do a kid exchange, Aria's has been begging for a brother or sister. I keep telling her, it's up to the "Man" upstairs.
That'd be kinda fun...hmmm
Our parenting is "old school" style. Let's see here...Aria hasn't gotten a spanking since she was two years old...that was when she decided to test mommy and daddy what they would do if she kept getting out of bed. She kept it up for a good 45 minutes...after her 10th try Daddy said, "my you must LOVE spankings, cause you keep getting out of bed!!!" When was the last time your kids got swatted?....
Zero tolerance for bad language...respect your elders...do as you're told THE first
time...home work 1st, in bed at 9 pm on school nights.

i like that parenting style, thats how i was raised. and look how i turned out!!!
thats sweet of her though. you always have interesting stories lol


Active Member

Originally Posted by ric maniac
i like that parenting style, thats how i was raised. and look how i turned out!!!
thats sweet of her though. you always have interesting stories lol
Precisely, you turned out just fine
Not like those little snot nose brats that crying and scream continuously in the grocery stores when they don't get what they want. Not that i din't try that tactic mind you, I learned very quickly why NOT
That is the reason all I have to ask Aria is "would you like me to count to 3?"
That's why I obeyed my brother most of all~he spanked the hardest.
I'm glad you enjoyed today's "Life at the Olson's House"...tune in tomorrow for more family fun


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
Wow, all that at six! I hope she got a new toy or a treat for helping out.
Yep, best treat a parent can give their child, love and respect. That look your child gives you when you acknowledge their accomplishments os [roce;ess.