This tank is all but been a controversy with it being filled with natural seawater and sand off our coasts but this thread is not for flaming but rather sharing a nano tank with the rest of you.
Here it is currently, lights are off so it looks less then appealing but we caught our bully yellow chromis this afternoon and put them in it to save our peaceful banggai cardinals in our other tank.
5 turbo snails
5 hermit crabs
2 yellow chromis (bullys plucked from the 125)
approx 4lbs of live rock. its perched on a ledge that separates our kitchen from the dining room... not sure what plans we have for it in terms of some corals. I need to get better lights for it first, right now just the stock lights are in it (We bought the tank as a kit over a year ago to be used as a QT but found it to be too small to QT for the fish we want to buy and it hasnt been used since)
Here it is currently, lights are off so it looks less then appealing but we caught our bully yellow chromis this afternoon and put them in it to save our peaceful banggai cardinals in our other tank.
5 turbo snails
5 hermit crabs
2 yellow chromis (bullys plucked from the 125)
approx 4lbs of live rock. its perched on a ledge that separates our kitchen from the dining room... not sure what plans we have for it in terms of some corals. I need to get better lights for it first, right now just the stock lights are in it (We bought the tank as a kit over a year ago to be used as a QT but found it to be too small to QT for the fish we want to buy and it hasnt been used since)