Hi everyone,
I just wanted to take a sec and post a pic of our daughter Emelia, born Nov. 1st. She was 9lbs. 14 oz, and my poor wife had to deliver her all natural!
oh my goodness, she is just the cutest little thing!!! You've just kicked my maternal desires into overdrive... oh won't my hubby be pelased!!! "hey baby? i think it's time to have a baby!!!" :scared::scared::scared: ... lol!!!
Congrats, she is a beautiful little girl! My wife and I had our first in Feb. and it’s been so much fun to watch him grow and I’m always amazed by all the new things he does.
is yours a girl or boy, j? so it's like 8 months??? That's the best age!!! They're so cute!!! How much does he/she weigh now? I love little fat babies!!!
If it's your first, welcome to fatherhood. Time is going to fly by, I don't know where my last 2.5 yrs went. Make sure you enjoy every moment.
awww!!! SOOOOOOOO cute. almost 10 # :scared: Holy smokes, my first was almost 9 and I thought I was gonna die! She had a BIG head!! :help:
Yep, it FLIES by. Its amazing
JD, I could send you my kids...kill that maternal drive almost immediately, LOL
Schneidts, congradulations!! They are so cute before they learn to walk and talk! Nah, I'm kidding. Is this your first?
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the kind words! Jdragunas, LMAO!
No, she's not our first...she's our third, and most likely, the last. She doesn't let me sleep a whole lot at night, but I sure don't mind since she is so