out with old in with new


New Member
want to get back into s/waquariums , has been several years since i have had a tank. i have been reading here in the different forums on keeping s/w aquariums.must now a- sell or trade all model rr collection, b-make room for new aquarium hopefully180-265 gallon possible reef if not fowlr. good to see lots of valuable info out here to read up on .things have really changed in 25+ years ,
thanks to all for your knowledge and input.


Active Member
Good to have you back into the hobby if that is the path you travel. Keep us updated and asking question here. A lot has changed for the good and you will love the opportunities.


New Member
still have a long way to go.but have time on my side .many good reads on here to greatly help me to understand how things have greatly gotten better for the sw aquarist.must get rid of old hobby stuff first, so i have room for the new. love the 101 tips that i read,fantastic. must read for newbies like me thanks again all..