outragous phosphate level!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
really high phosphate level, also getting
some hair alage on rock strating to grow.
all levels are fine, nitrate, ph, nitrite,
etc dont understand what the problem is. i have a cpr backpack on a 55 gallon with
60-70 pds of rock. any suggestions????


New Member

Originally posted by sammystingray:
check your lfs for phosphate remover. One treatment of the one I got lasts for four months

whats lfs?

salt one

i had the same problem in my old 30 gallon tank, we went for months , we lost fish and everything, i tested the water over and over again, nothing, so i took it into my LFS and he tested and told me i had really high posphate levels. come to find out the rock that i had gotten was letting this stuff into the water, and if thats not the case then just get a posphate remover, they work, now i have a 75 gallon tank and i put this stuff in religiously, and i haven't had any trouble, and with the posphate i was getting green messy alge. just some thoughts


What type of Phosphate removers are you guys using? Do they work?

salt one

i was using Phos Guard, it comes in a little pellet size and they give you a mesh bang that goes in the filter.


should have specified sorry. what phos. remover did you use that lasts for 4 mths???


I tried using phos guard. I just did a large (15%) water change. that did the most for me. I also added a skimmer. After about a week, I was emptying the cup every day. That seemed to work.
Also, test your water source. You may find you are added phosphates into your tank when you do a water change. I have a minor amount of phosphate in my tap water.


New Member
I use distilled water from the grocery store. I use to have hair green algae, but now that problem is solved. Also you can add DT's Marine Phytoplankton. Its live plankton in a 1 gallon jug. It is refrigerated until added to the tank, about a cup full a week. The live plankton will help to bring balance to your tank by competing with other algae and bacteria. Your filter feeders will love it!