over flow noise help

sushi man

i got problem with my hob over flow box.. it makes alot of noise. my tank is 46 bow front and mag 5 for return pump. is there any trick to reduce the noise? it drive my wife crazy
its a sucking noise btw thanks


Originally Posted by sushi man
i got problem with my hob over flow box.. it makes alot of noise. my tank is 46 bow front and mag 5 for return pump. is there any trick to reduce the noise? it drive my wife crazy
its a sucking noise btw thanks
This is where all that extra airline tubing comes in handy. Get a piece of tubing and stick it into the hole, move it down further and further slowly until it stops making noise. Tape it off at the sweet spot and enjoy the incredibly less quite aquarium. Granted, your tubing has to be the right size, it can't be too small or too big within reason. About as big around as your pinky does the trick on mine and it is for a 30 gal.

sushi man

ha.. it works man..
who ever you are, thanks alot.. i was really desperate earlier.. i didn't think i have an air line tubing. but i have some.. you are genius...

i still can hear the noise but i'llget bigger tubing tomorow


I made you a video and forgot to put the memory card in the camera, so video pending...gotta find a card.


Active Member
If the poly tube is making noise and you have an enclosed stand, you can run it down into the stand and this will silence it further. Or if you don't, you can run it into a milk jug, with a hole cut in the cap to allow air in. This will muffle it also. Really, there aren't many "new tricks" in this hobby. They've all been around for some time, just variations of them.


Alright, glad to hear that it works. It's a good thing you won't be needing pics because I lost my sd card. I just put my tubing under the u-tube to keep it in place, but you can tape it off too. You should do one of the two so that it doesn't fall down the hole. If it falls into the hole, it won't cause a flood or anything, it's just a pain in the butt to dig it out.


Active Member
hmmm i mght try the airline tube method..i been using a wash cloth blocking the top of the overflow box..works pretty good but it looks "ghetto"