Over population on my 3 neiborhoods??


This is where i am sitting now:
55 gallon

Clarkii Clown 2 1/2 inches
6-line wrasse
2 green chromis
1 sissor tail goby
1 clown goby
2 scooter blennies
1 sally lightfoot
1 square back anthias <---just got today 1-13-05 BEAUTIFUL

1 small colony of silver zoos about 15-20
7 hermits
1 unknown snail

1 pagoda cup coral
1 brain coral not doing well
I think i am over populated now with 9 fish. So by the end of the month here is my plans. I already have a 20 gallon that i used water from my 55 to fill. I have about 10 lbs of live rock in it 2 damsels and a ghost shrimp. Everything is doing great so far! Also, i plan to do the same with my 5 gallon, and it should be ready by the end of the month also. This will be where i am at by the end of this month, but ofcourse i will be give the 20 gallon occupants their home 1 at a time slowly in the next weeks.
clarkii clown
6-line wrasse
square back anthias
and maybe 1 small fish later on
sissortail goby
firefish goby
purplefirefish goby
1 scooter blenny
1 scooter blenny
2 green clown goby
2 yellow clown goby
1 firefish
Of course i will have hermits in each and snails. Does anyone see any problems with any of these tanks in the future? Really the only thing i could see is that my square back is going to need more room eventually, but by that time i will hope to have at the min a 125 gallon. As you can tell i love my GOBIES they are by far the coolest reef fish. Please let me know any imput is great even if it crashes my whole plan!!


I know my 5 gallon looks like a lot of fish, but my LFS says to keep the clown gobies in schools, and they will be less shy and come out to perch on rocks. Maybe i shouldn't add the firefish i dunno. PLease respond with some input!


Active Member
i think you have an over crowding issue for sure you have more fish in that 55 gal than i have in my 125 granted your fish are smaller but in that size tank you should def do some rearanging
it would probly be a good idea to spread them out in different tanks but i think your wanting to place to many in the smallest tank. what state are you in


Active Member
I noticed in one of your post you wanted to get a 125 gal tank.if you have a local fish store check with them alot of times people trade in their old tanks or sell on consignment to these
stores.you may be able to purchase a used tank locally at a descent price.plus the classified ads they have here on the forum.I found some very descent prices.you fish won t care if its a new tank but im sure they wouldnt mind a roomier home.you can also email me directly at doggiestlist@yahoo.com


Take all the fish in the 5 gallon back. You WILL kill them all in a tank that small. Its doomed for disaster. Your 55 is even overcrowded.


Active Member

Originally posted by CGPuffers
Take all the fish in the 5 gallon back. You WILL kill them all in a tank that small. Its doomed for disaster. Your 55 is even overcrowded.

I have to agree with this one
5 gal tank is more suitable as a qt for your small fish.the cost of a 10 gal is 20 bucks with hoods


Active Member
I totally agree with the statements above. Maybe 1, possibly 2 clown gobies in a 5 and that is pushing it, IMO. BUT, the scooter blennies WILL STARVE most likely in the 5 (actually definitely) and the 20...they need large tanks with lots of LR. Even on the off chance they are eating brine, this is not a suitable long term diet. They need to graze on the rocks. PLEASE do not put them in such small systems. They are not fun to watch starve to death.


there is a 125g tank here in LFS (family owned) that has a deep red stand ( kinda like a cherry stained) and a matching canopy( about 18" above take) if I'm not mistaken all of it will leave for 1700



Originally posted by CGPuffers
Take all the fish in the 5 gallon back. You WILL kill them all in a tank that small. Its doomed for disaster. Your 55 is even overcrowded.

I didnt think the 55 is overcrowded. there is a sixline, clown, and anthias.


I think you should just stop buying fish. Put maybe one clown goby in the 5g and distribute the rest of the fish between the 20 and the 55.


Hey guys and gals thanks for the help! Prolly saved me a lot of $$ and pain to have fish die. So here are my new plans. Let me know if i am ok yet or still need to do something different. Also didn't get any replies on the 20 gallon?? overstocked??
squareback anthias
clarkii clown
6 line wrasse
2 scooter blennies
40-50 lbs live rock and rising
scissor tail goby
firefish goby
purple firefish goby
10 lbs live rock rising to 25 lbs
2 maybe 3 clown gobies prolly just 2 the way it sounds from responses.
prolly go with about 7-8 lbs life rock lots of small pieces with caves.
Again thx for the help and also the future help!!!!!!!!!!


I think this new plan sounds much better. You have 3 fish in the 20g, which I think should be the max. I don't have any experience with those particular gobies, I'm assuming they will co-exist peacefully?