This is where i am sitting now:
55 gallon
Clarkii Clown 2 1/2 inches
6-line wrasse
2 green chromis
1 sissor tail goby
1 clown goby
2 scooter blennies
1 sally lightfoot
1 square back anthias <---just got today 1-13-05 BEAUTIFUL
1 small colony of silver zoos about 15-20
7 hermits
1 unknown snail
1 pagoda cup coral
1 brain coral not doing well
I think i am over populated now with 9 fish. So by the end of the month here is my plans. I already have a 20 gallon that i used water from my 55 to fill. I have about 10 lbs of live rock in it 2 damsels and a ghost shrimp. Everything is doing great so far! Also, i plan to do the same with my 5 gallon, and it should be ready by the end of the month also. This will be where i am at by the end of this month, but ofcourse i will be give the 20 gallon occupants their home 1 at a time slowly in the next weeks.
clarkii clown
6-line wrasse
square back anthias
and maybe 1 small fish later on
sissortail goby
firefish goby
purplefirefish goby
1 scooter blenny
1 scooter blenny
2 green clown goby
2 yellow clown goby
1 firefish
Of course i will have hermits in each and snails. Does anyone see any problems with any of these tanks in the future? Really the only thing i could see is that my square back is going to need more room eventually, but by that time i will hope to have at the min a 125 gallon. As you can tell i love my GOBIES they are by far the coolest reef fish. Please let me know any imput is great even if it crashes my whole plan!!
55 gallon
Clarkii Clown 2 1/2 inches
6-line wrasse
2 green chromis
1 sissor tail goby
1 clown goby
2 scooter blennies
1 sally lightfoot
1 square back anthias <---just got today 1-13-05 BEAUTIFUL
1 small colony of silver zoos about 15-20
7 hermits
1 unknown snail
1 pagoda cup coral
1 brain coral not doing well
I think i am over populated now with 9 fish. So by the end of the month here is my plans. I already have a 20 gallon that i used water from my 55 to fill. I have about 10 lbs of live rock in it 2 damsels and a ghost shrimp. Everything is doing great so far! Also, i plan to do the same with my 5 gallon, and it should be ready by the end of the month also. This will be where i am at by the end of this month, but ofcourse i will be give the 20 gallon occupants their home 1 at a time slowly in the next weeks.
clarkii clown
6-line wrasse
square back anthias
and maybe 1 small fish later on
sissortail goby
firefish goby
purplefirefish goby
1 scooter blenny
1 scooter blenny
2 green clown goby
2 yellow clown goby
1 firefish
Of course i will have hermits in each and snails. Does anyone see any problems with any of these tanks in the future? Really the only thing i could see is that my square back is going to need more room eventually, but by that time i will hope to have at the min a 125 gallon. As you can tell i love my GOBIES they are by far the coolest reef fish. Please let me know any imput is great even if it crashes my whole plan!!