
i have a 50 gallon tank and it contains:
20lbs lr
4 inch sand bed
6 medium sized peices of dead coral
yellow tang
blue surgeon
maroon clown
coral beauty
cleaner wrass
and is powered by 2 internal filters?


Not sure what you want from this, but telling you that's not a good mix is probably a waste of time. I know that no one will tell you a Tang should be in a 50G. I think Scott Michael recommends a 75G for a Yellow Tang and a 100G for most other Tangs/Surgeonfishes. Also, I'm interested in how long you've had your cleaner wrasse. There should be very little food for it there. I have a 50G with the following fish:
2 True Percula Clownfish
1 Midas Blenny
1 Firefish
It is a reef tank, so I'm keeping the population down for now.


I would suggest, if possible, remove the yellow tang and blue surgeon and try to trade with a fish store. I love my Midas Blenny and I would highly recommend this as a replacement. Your Maroon Clownfish will be quite aggressive to any other clownfish, so I'd stay away from those. As long as your water quality stays high, I wouldn't say it's urgent to do this, just better in the long run for the fish.