overfeeding a RBTA


Can you overfeed a RTBA? I have read to feed them 2-3 times a week, but I asked the guy there where I bought him how often they feed them and he said we don't. I'm not very knowledgable, but isn't that animal abuse? BAck to my original question, will they overeat, or just not accept food if they aren't hungry? I am trying to nurse this guy back to health, he is pretty close to the light, feeding him prime reef, krill, and bits of silverside. after the treatment he was getting, I want to feed him whenefer he wants food.


they wont accept the food if they are full but when they are hungry its like their fully open and stretching out


Yes shrimp will steal there food whenever possible, feed the shriimp first on the opposite side of the tank.
I have had periods of two months without feeding my BTA's and they have done fine under my lighting, Lights are the highest requirements, not feedings. Feedings can make up in the short term with them but not in the long run.