Overfeeding Fish and Invertebrtes


New Member
Uneaten food just lays on the bottom of the tank, creating nitrates and overloading the biological filter.
Not fully understanding the nutritional requirements of their fish, the tendency of many people is to "throw food" at fish in order to fulfill their requirements. If the fish are not accepting the food offered, many aquarists will "throw even more" at the fish, thinking that the fish just isn't seeing the food. Feed once, twice per day, or once every 2 or 3 days? How Often Should I Feed My Fish? helps you understand a fish's requirements.
Know what is in the food you are feeding by comparing the nutrients in commercial foods, purchase only high quality foods and feed only what your fish will consume in 2-3 minutes per feeding.


Well-Known Member

I can’t imagine anyone doing what you just described. The CUC would eat the uneaten food and algae would begin to take over.
That being said….I don’t think allot of beginners realize that fish kept with live rock don’t need as much food. They feed off the stuff that lives in the rock, that’s why they pick at it all day..especially if you have a refugium. I have tangs and a dwarf angelfish, they pick everything clean of algae off the rocks. As soon as I feed them algae sheets the green algae grows again on the rocks and intake output tubes. So now I don’t feed them algae sheets until the algae on the rocks need to re-grow for them.