overflow and sump help!!!


hey guys i bought a overflow off ---- brand new and i have a 5.5gal for a sump under my 55gal i am having a problem keeping water in my sump the overflow does not have the cuts in the box that goes in the tank so that the water can go through them in to the box.the water goes over the top of the box and then goes through the u-tube and down to the 5.5 is this the reason that my 5.5 goes dry all the time or do i have another prob any help taht any one could give i would be greatfull for thanks
metmike :help: :help:


Active Member
First thing I would want to know is the "rating" on the overflow...
How much can it "drain" in gph..either a lable on the overflow or a discription, and size of drain/bulkhead...
Second thing would be the size of the return pump, vertical distance to tank and return line size...
That will help determine if the "basic" set up is balanced and just needs "fine tuneing" or if a major change is in order...


Active Member
Just a suggestion but you may want to think of increasing your sump size. That size a sump could be easy to flood and w/evaporation could be hard to keep with water.
It sounds like you have a mismatch w/the return pump and the capacity of the overflow to remove water. Most overflows max out at 500gph.


Active Member
That's a good point as well msd2...
Is the sump "going dry" when the pump is on (flow problem...?)
Or is it "going dry" over a period of time (evaporation/top off...?)


Active Member
well from what i am reading of your dry sump problem is that u must not have a valve on your return line to controle the water level in your sump.. the overflow iself is not the problem for it is doing it's job o fpulling water from main tank to sump.. i think all u need is a valve in your retur and some fine tuning and u wil be ok.... n