Overflow box drain Noise


Just installed my first overflow box.
Now time to kill the noise. The model I have has the U tube going into a split bottom section, the water the trickles over to the down tube. The down tube is causing the noise.
Any ideas?


Active Member
is it a noise like air beeing sucked into the tubing? if so that means your overflow box is sucking in or drawing more water from the tank to the sump than the return pump can put back into the tank. make sure the gph match.


Do you have a stand pipe above the hose going to the sump.
A picture would help a lot. That way we can see what you have, & help you. Over flow noise is a common problem that can be solved. But with all the different types of over flows out there, it can be difficult to know what to suggest.


I agree. Your gph on the overflow box has to match the return from your pump. Otherwise it will make noise. Had the same problem until I adjusted it.


Is it normal to hear a waterfall of the water drainign to the sump? I dont get the gurgling I fixed that, but constant waterfall drainign to the sump.
I have a Eshopps pf-1200.
Would it help to build a standpip or silencer?


Active Member
i fixed it the easy way..mine use to sound like a toilet flushing..i used a cloth to cover the overflow and now its really quite..or maybe i just gotten used to the noise..


Active Member
If you have a standpipe (Durso or custom), there is a small siphon hole that is drilled into the top part of the pipe and by drilling that hole larger the sound will lessen.


Active Member
We stuck a piece of rigid tubing down the out going tube. Keep putting it in until you find it's sweet spot and secure it there. Sometimes it takes awhile to find it.
Lemme see if I can tippy-toe into the bedroom where both my camera and my sleeping husband are. I'll grab a quick pic..... in the dark, so quality will suck...LOL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
We stuck a piece of rigid tubing down the out going tube. Keep putting it in until you find it's sweet spot and secure it there. Sometimes it takes awhile to find it.
Lemme see if I can tippy-toe into the bedroom where both my camera and my sleeping husband are. I'll grab a quick pic..... in the dark, so quality will suck...LOL.
some airline hose will cure it easily and cheaply.


Active Member
All I could feel in the dark was a 50mm lens..... but here it is.

Is that dog hair?
Edit: ya, regular tubing will work as well if your sweet spot isn't too low. Otherwise it tends to curl back up. Heating it up with a hairdryer while dangling it from your hands while it cools will help with that...... sometimes to need to pull it straight while it cools using both hands. But I use rigid tubing for everything. Everytime I go the the LFS or order something online I always include a few rigid tubings in the purchase. I don't know why.... it's my fetish. Seriously.... I have a rigid tubing problem.