Overflow Box For Sump


Active Member
I have been trying to figure out how to get the siphon right for an Eshopps 300 gph overflow for my 125g tank. How does one go about getting the siphon going? I tried several times over the last month and gave up in disgust. Yesterday I was determined to get it started and only succeeded in loosing several square inches of skin off my hands. Is there a trick to getting the siphon action of the tube into the outflow of the overflo? If not, would it be safe for me to drain all the water out of my 125g tank and leave the DSB and LR in while I drill an overflow drain. I now have a young reef started and I need to get my sump hooked up ASAP.


Take a piece of airline tubing and put it up inside the u-tube. then put the utube inside the box and suck all the air out of it. Just a question though, why are you using only a 300? on my 55 im using a 800 i think.....


Active Member
I just had that problem. I dont know why they dont come with instructions. Just stick some airline tubing in the u tube and make sure both sides of the overflow are full of water or you will just suck air. Once you do that just suck the water up the tube.


I know it took me awhile to figure it out too. Why don't these things come with instructions
It's like they assume everyone knows this stuff.


Active Member
RG, you are correct sir. I bought the "up to 175 gal model" at drs***********.com and it is an 800, not 300 gph. I called a local glass shop and they have agreed to come out (20 miles) to my house and drill a hole for a proper drain. They said the DSB and LR can stay in, I'll just need to drain all the water. So, I guess I'll put the LR down on the floor of the tank and drain the last 6" of water out when they get here. My fish are all in QT getting over ich, so now's a good time. $100 to drill a hole is alot of money, but my patience is gone. Yes they should give instructions!