Overflow box question ?


I have a built in overflow box that covers up the holes that come out of the back of my tank. The water that comes into the overflow box through the teeth is pretty loud. Is their anything that I can put in the bottom of the overflow box that will help silent the noise of the water without getting stuck in the holes in the back.


you could try some sort of sponge block. That way, the water won't be so loud, but it won't get stuck in the holes. hope this helps!


Has anyone ever used bioballs for this purpose?
If so would I need to replace them every so often to keep them from collecting too many nitrates?


no, removing the bio balls completely defeats the purpose of them. The bio balls grow bacteria on them, and removing them just removes those bacteria as well. I would suggest against it, though. A sponge block would be much easier to clean than bio balls, but they would serve the same purpose.